The N-C-O attends the Western Pacific Railroad Convention in Reno

The N-C-O Railway historical society was honored to be invited to attend the 2022 Western Pacific Railroad Convention in Reno, NV. After two years of not being able to hold the event, the WP created a packed weekend of events and discussions related to WP history, including the N-C-O!

Thursday night’s mixer was held at The Depot Distillery in downtown Reno. This location was the original depot of the N-C-O. Much of the exterior and interior remain original today, including the safe in the men’s room on the first floor marked, “Nevada California Oregon”. This was a great start to the convention and an awesome time meeting new faces.

Saturday kicked off with the setup of our new display booth. A special thanks to Eugene to designing the banners! Early in the morning, our President, Shane Starr, was able to give a presentation on the history of the railway and the founding of the historical society. The discussion with the audience was great and much interest was drummed up with the attendees on our objectives and some of the great work we’ve already accomplished.

Overall, the weekend was a great time had by our members. For those who were able to attend Sunday’s event at the WP museum in Portola, they were able to see locomotive No. 165 run for the first time publicly since the start of restoration many years prior. The experience of seeing this switcher locomotive operate was a truly unique experience. Thank you WP for the great time! Visit them at to learn more about their society and museum.